2nd International Workshop of the Bioelectrochemical Society

Registration form

In order to register and make your online payment you must enable Popup windows, cookies and Javascript in your browser. The registration process takes advantage of these features to ensure that the transaction is processed correctly. The cookies are used solely for identification purposes during the transaction session and no personal data is evaluated.
Participant details (for participant conference badge)
First Name:*
Last Name:*

Invoice address Important: If the payment is made by your Institute, please take care to enter the correct full address. If necessary check first with your administration.
address line 1:*
address line 2:*
address line 3:*

VAT number or other:

Participant e-mail address:*
Select Presenter Type:*
Registration fee
USD 550
Student fee*
USD 240
*To receive the student discount please send by email a short letter by your supervisor confirming your student status to the BES conference organization office.

Please enter your accepted Oral and Poster abstract submission ID(s) (or the first 4 words of each title) of the accepted Oral presentation and/or Poster(s) you will be presenting.
This will ensure that your oral presentation and poster appear in the program.
If you have no presentations, please just enter an "x" in the first field below.

Each registered participant can not
have more than two (2) presentations.
(Either one accepted oral and one poster presentation or two poster presentations.)
1) Presenting author of : If more than two presentations are entered, only the first two will be retained.
2) Presenting author of :
Please do not enter posters you co-authored and which you will not be presenting personally.

Please check this box to confirm you have read, understood, and accept the terms and conditions.
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